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How Often Should I Get a Hedge Trimmed

  • Posted by:
  • Admin
  • Tags:
  • Maintaining your hedge
  • Posted date:
  • 08-12-2016
How Often Should I Get a Hedge Trimmed

How Often Should I Get a Hedge Trimmed?

Maintaining your hedge is important, which is why trimming is needed from time to time. Here are a few tips on how and when to trim your hedge for the best results.

Hedges should always be trimmed from an early stage. Some hedges will need more trimming than others, depending on the size and the layout of your garden. 

Whether you have a new or established hedge, start trimming as soon as possible. It not only looks good but also ensures the healthy growth cycle. 

Remember the hedge should always be tapered so that it is a wider at the bottom then it is at the top. This will ensure that the lower part of the hedge will get enough sunlight for proper growth. 

Once the hedge is established you will need to do proper maintenance on a regular basis to keep it intact. There are specific hedge cutting seasons but this depends on the species. 

As a general guide you can trim your hedges twice or three times a year, during the growing season. You can easily keep them in control if you trim your hedges on a more regular basis, especially if you have a fast growing type.

But keep in mind that it is important not to trim then too early in the year, so that you can avoid disturbing nesting birds in the area.

With regular trimming, your hedges will always look good and grow to be green and lush. Keep track of when you trim every year, especially when the growing season begins